Jobs für Ingenieure, Informatiker, Mediziner & Naturwissenschaftler

Institut für Radiobiologie

Institut für Radiobiologie
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Die Bundeswehr garantiert Sicherheit, Souveränität und außenpolitische Handlungsfähigkeit der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Darüber hinaus schützt sie die Bürgerinnen und Bürger, unterstützt Verbündete und leistet Amtshilfe bei Naturkatastrophen und schweren Unglücksfällen im Inland. Hierbei unterliegt sie den Entscheidungen des Bundestages, dem deutschen Grundgesetz und dem Völkerrecht.

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Firmendaten zu Institut für Radiobiologie


Institut für Radiobiologie
Neuherbergstraße 11
80937 München
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Aktuelle Stellenangebote von Institut für Radiobiologie

Development and testing of a mobile and automated radiation detection system for patient screening in emergency scenarios within the iMEDCAP project. Collaboration with international partners within the iMEDCAP consortium, including universities, research institutes, and indus...

Diese Stellenangebote hast du verpasst

You will be working on a third-party-funded consortium project dealing with improvements in diagnosis of radiation-induced acute health effects. The part you are involved aims to convert cytogenetic measurements into clinically relevant information. Other than usually, in this ...


You will be working on a third-party-funded consortium project investigating the therapeutic effect of a substance on survival in different animal models after exposed to ionizing radiation. For this purpose, transcriptome data (NGS) will be generated from whole blood at variou...


For CBRN scenarios, an international consortium is developing a complete package that realizes the emergency care and transport of patients. In this context, the Institute of Radiobiology is looking for a research assistant to develop a diagnostic module based on gene expressio...


For CBRN scenarios, an international consortium is developing a complete package that realizes the emergency care and transport of patients. In this context, the Institute of Radiobiology is looking for a research assistant to develop a mobile radiation detection system for pat...


You will be hired into a fixed-term employment contract, according to the so-called “Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz” (academic contract law). You can expect an attractive salary (E13, 60%), measured according to the collective agreement of the public service (TVöD). You will...


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