Jobs für Ingenieure, Informatiker, Mediziner & Naturwissenschaftler

Isola GmbH

Isola GmbH

Deine Karriere bei Isola

sola is a leader in global material sciences. We design, develop, manufacture, and qualify copper-clad laminates and dielectric prepregs used to fabricate multilayer printed circuit boards (PCBs).

We are a global company employing a diverse and multi-cultural workforce of over 1,400 individuals engaged at 7 sites, three research facilities and four regional/corporate offices located on three continents. We strive to develop a culture that encourages open dialogue and the sharing of ideas.
We are an equal employment opportunity employer. Worldwide opportunities exist for people of all backgrounds and experience.


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Isola GmbH
Isolastraße 2
52353 Düren
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