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Leibniz-Institut für Alternsforschung - Fritz-Lipmann-Institut e.V. (FLI)

Leibniz-Institut für Alternsforschung - Fritz-Lipmann-Institut e.V. (FLI)
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Deine Karriere bei Leibniz-Institut für Alternsforschung - Fritz-Lipmann-Institut (FLI)

Das Leibniz-Institut für Alternsforschung - Fritz-Lipmann-Institut (FLI) war 2005 das erste nationale Institut in Deutschland, das seine Forschungsaktivität voll und ganz auf die biomedizinischen Ursachen des Alterns ausrichtete. Wissenschaftler/innen aus ca. 40 Ländern erforschen die molekularen Grundlagen des Alterns und der Entstehung von alternsassoziierten Erkrankungen. Ziel ist es, die Basis für neue Therapieansätze zu schaffen, um die Gesundheit im Alter zu verbessern. Das FLI ist Mitglied der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft und wird gemeinschaftlich vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) und dem Land Thüringen finanziert.

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Leibniz-Institut für Alternsforschung - Fritz-Lipmann-Institut e.V. (FLI)
Beutenbergstraße 11
07745 Jena
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Aktuelle Stellenangebote von Leibniz-Institut für Alternsforschung - Fritz-Lipmann-Institut (FLI)

Investigating the role of the microbiome in determining host longevity, using killifish species exhibiting short and long lifespans Conducting comparative metagenomic analyses across different host species Performing bioinformatics and computational analyses to identify mi...
The successful candidate will contribute to research on i) genomic basis underlying the evolution of wild killifish populations, ii) the role of hybridization in adaptation and evolution, and iii) next-generation sequencing and advanced bioinformatics analyses: Conducting...

Diese Stellenangebote hast du verpasst

The DFG-funded research project aims to explore the “decoding of the cytoplasmic role of YAP / TAZ in cancer mechanotransduction” Investigation of the role of YAP / TAZ in mechanotransduction Identification of cytoplasmic signalling cues that are influenced by YAP / TAZ i...


The “TWIN4EarLiStAge” EU project aims to investigate the effects of early life stressors on the later aging and longevity of the organism. The project is carried out in collaboration with the University of Crete and European Institute for the Biology of Ageing (ERIBA) and entails...


Führung und strategische Weiterentwicklung: Leitung des Bereichs IT-Infrastruktur sowie konzeptionelle und strategische Weiterentwicklung der IT-Systemlandschaft am FLI Projektmanagement: Planung, Steuerung und Management von IT-Projekten zur Optimierung und Weiterentwicklun...


Verantwortung für die Umstellung / das Upgrade der SAP-Umgebung auf ein (neues) ERP-System Umsetzung des Projektmanagements zur termingerechten Einführung eines zeitgemäßen ERP- und HR-Systems Koordinierung und Moderierung der Schnittstelle zwischen den Fachbereichen, den Key...


Scientific work in the Human Frontier Science Program in close collaboration with the partners Characterizing the chemical identity, abundance, and biological origin of modN across species, particularly in human and gut bacteria samples Using various experimental techniques, ...


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Scientific work in the Human Frontier Science Program in close collaboration with the partners Characterizing the chemical identity, abundance, and biological origin of modN across species, particularly in human and gut bacteria samples Using various experimental techniques, ...


Exploring, planning, and communicating all aspects of a scientific project focused on reprogramming in the context of aging in the transparent killifish model Using various experimental techniques such as molecular cloning and cell culture work, additionally state-of-the-art t...


The overall responsibility of the candidate will be to establish and run computational pipelines to preprocess and integrate datasets from high-throughput experiments and perform exploratory data analysis. The candidate: Will help establish and benchmark pipelines for the ...


Bedienung der FACSAria III, FACSAria Fusion, FACSMelody und Aurora CS Cell Sorter sowie der Analysegeräte FACSCanto II, FACSVerse, LSRFortessa, Aurora und ImageStream Unterweisung von Nutzern/-innen in der fachgerechten Bedienung der Durchflusszytometer Kontrolle und Bestellu...


The candidate will explore the genetic basis of aging and regeneration with a focus on senescence and reprogramming. The candidate will use various experimental techniques such as molecular cloning and cell culture work, additionally state-of-the-art technologies including genomi...


We are looking for a highly motivated scientist to join our preclinical project team led by Dr. Lars Björn Riecken. Successful applicants will be enthusiastic about translating fundamental research towards novel therapeutic approaches to treat peripheral nerve pathologies, in par...


The LifeLongFit ERC project aims to find effective ways to extend lifespan at different ages. It builds on the discovery that metformin’s benefits for longevity diminish in old organisms due to a loss of metabolic flexibility. This suggests that interventions developed in young o...


Koordinierung der Zusammenarbeit mit der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft auf Leitungs- und Arbeitsebene Unterstützung und Koordinierung der Zusammenarbeit mit Zuwendungsgebern Weiterentwicklung des Compliance-Management-Systems und Mitarbeit im Compliance-Stab Koordinierung der Themen ...


The candidate will lead research into the evolution of life history traits in killifish with a strong emphasis on extreme longevity Leveraging our group’s past work, which dissected adaptive and neutral forces in killifish life history trait evolution, the postdoctoral researc...


The candidate will explore microbiome-host interactions during aging, a core research team in the Valenzano group The work will be integrated as part of the research focus “functional microbiome interactions in aging”, which consists of four research teams at the FLI The cand...


Bedienung der FACSAria III, FACSAria Fusion und FACSMelody Cell Sorter und der Analysegeräte FACSCanto II, FACSVerse und LSRFortessa Unterweisung von Nutzern/-innen in der fachgerechten Bedienung der Durchflusszytometer Kontrolle und Bestellung des Verbrauchsmaterials der Fac...


Focus I. Transfer of modern bioinformatics methods into practical applications for the analysis of experimental data Method examples: formalization of classification tasks or time series analysis, quantification of splicing variants, practical application of specialized st...


The candidate: Will work preferentially on analysis of proprietary multiomics datasets covering different killifish species during development and aging and public human aging datasets but will have the flexibility to develop their own project and/or work on a project prev...
