Unlock Your Research Potential: Join the Graduate School LSE! Embark on an exciting journey at the interface between engineering and life sciences with TU Darmstadt's Graduate School LSE. We are thrilled to announce a unique opportunity for international PhD students under the prestigious Graduate School Scholarship Programme (GSSP) of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
DAAD scholarships for international PhD students (m/f/d)
Activities and responsibilities
Prof. Dr. Viktor Stein - Protein engineering: The Stein lab can host research projects in the field of protein engineering and synthetic biology. A particular emphasis is on engineering protein sensors, switches as well as diffusion and transport processes across cellular and biomimetic membranes while focussing on metabolites, drugs and other small molecules.
Applications for the envisaged protein technologies are diverse. For instance, protein sensors can be used for the real-time analysis of metabolites and drugs in both live cells and complex diagnostic samples. Similarly, protein switches can be applied to control molecular functions with exquisite specificity and temporal resolution. Further, sensors and switches can be used to build sense-and-respond circuits operating autonomously in live cells and intelligent (bio)materials. Finally, tailor-engineered transport processes across biological and biomimetic membranes can form part of sophisticated sensing and separation technologies.
Molecular Engineering endeavours are generally complemented by the development of dedicated enabling technologies (e.g. combinatorial DNA assembly methods, high-throughput screening systems and robotic automation) that are combined with high-resolution analytical methods (e.g. electrophysiological measurements in lipid bilayers and live cell fluorescence microscopy in microfluidics) to gain fundamental insight how artificially engineered proteins functions and ultimately facilitate the underlying construction process.
Qualification profile
We offer
- Interdisciplinary Research: Explore cutting-edge projects at the intersection of engineering and life sciences
- Global Network: Join a vibrant community of scientists and experts from diverse backgrounds.
- Excellence in Supervision: Conduct your doctoral studies under the supervision of renowned scientists and benefit from the accompanying PhD programme of the Graduate School LSE
Join us in pushing the boundaries of knowledge and fostering groundbreaking discoveries. Your journey to academic excellence starts here!