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Mainz, Rheinland-Pfalz
TRON is an internationally recognised institute for application-oriented research. We combine the strengths of academic research with the requirements of quality-controlled industrial developments. At TRON, we share a common mission to develop innovative solutions for the immunotherapeutic treatment of cancer, infectious diseases and other serious diseases with high medicinal need for development.
TRON was founded in Mainz in 2010 and works in close cooperation with universities and hospitals as well as with regional, national and international research institutions and pharmaceutical companies.
As part of our team, you have the opportunity to be at the forefront of translational science with us.
If all this appeals to you, we look forward to getting to know you.
Please send us your complete and informative application documents (cover letter, CV, references) in a single document of max. 5 MB to Human Resources via email, Job-ID: 43603-25-01-TA. For more information, visit our homepage at
Freiligrathstr. 12
55131 Mainz