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Informatiker*Deine E-Mail Adresse wird nicht weitergegeben. Mit Absenden akzeptierst du die AGB und Datenschutzbestimmungen.
Erlangen, Bayern
Please send your application including a cover letter with interests, background (max. 1.5 pages), plus full CV and list of prior publications, as one PDF document via e-mail to Prof. Dr.-Ing. Katharina Breininger, head of the Professorship for Pattern Recognition at University of Würzburg. Additional attachments can include letters of reference from former supervisors, PhD certificate, or transcripts. Please include [Application: EBM Postdoctoral Position] in the subject line. Applications will be considered as they are received (application recommended before or until 31.03.2025). Please send questions about the position or the tasks to Katharina Breininger.
Please note that the candidate evaluation involves one or more scientific-technical presentations and interview appointments to be held in person or via teleconferencing. Applications sent via e-mail will be confirmed within a week. Applications not complying with the above requirements may neither be confirmed nor considered.
Freyeslebenstraße 1
91058 Erlangen