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Martinsried bei München
Haben wir Ihre Aufmerksamkeit...Klingt das wie etwas für Sie...Könnte das etwas für Sie sein?... Bereit? Fertig? Bewerben!
Wir führen laufend Vorstellungsgespräche und freuen uns darauf, Ihre Bewerbung so bald wie möglich zu erhalten. Wir können es kaum erwarten, Sie besser kennen zu lernen!
Founded in 1994, we have +30 years of experience developing life-saving vaccines. We are a global leader in smallpox and mpox vaccines. Our commercial product portfolio contains market-leading vaccines against rabies, tick-borne encephalitis, cholera, typhoid, and Ebola. We are headquartered in Denmark and have manufacturing, research, and sales offices across Europe and North America. Our values - our Bavarian Nordic DNA, as we like to call it - are what guide our actions every day. We act as persistent pioneers, embrace change, value being boosted by the team, and believe in protecting lives every day. If that is also a part of your DNA, we invite you to join us in Bavarian Nordic! Bavarian Nordic is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified applications will receive consideration for employment and will not be discriminated against based on color, gender, personal orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, or protected veteran status.
€ 73.166
Fraunhoferstraße 13
82152 Planegg