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3B Pharmaceuticals GmbH is a pharmaceutical biotechnology company, a leader in the discovery and optimization of peptides for the development of tumor-targeted radiopharmaceuticals. Our aim is to treat and diagnose cancers that are currently difficult to address. 3BP’s expertise ranges from substance identification to early clinical development.
The synthesis unit is a central element of 3B Pharmaceuticals, which is responsible for and has core competence in the production of research substances. This includes the synthesis from early selection hits to complex development candidates in cooperation with the Assay Technology, Analytics and Radiopharmaceutical Technologies teams.
For 3BP´s synthesis unit, we are looking for a scientist with relevant experience in early drug discovery and special expertise in organic synthesis and peptide synthesis.
As part of our synthesis team of chemists and lab technicians, you will
As part of our project leader team, you will
We offer an interesting and challenging position in the discovery and development of novel drugs against cancer. If you would like to join our team, we are looking forward to receiving your application including information about your previous positions, your earliest availability, and your salary expectations.
€ 57.108
Magnusstraße 11
12489 Berlin